Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Best Gundam Store

This is THE BEST GUNDAM STORE I`VE EVER SEEN! You won`t find this kinda store in Brunei, not this 5-10 years ahead. You can find everything here; PG`s, MG`s, 1/100(HG`s, NG`s or whatever grade you`re giving it), Robot Damashii, GFF, You name it!!!! This is like a Heaven and a MUST VISIT for every Gunota!! Everyone could die happy here!! Enuff with the babbling & watch the video below.

Thanks to Faddy for sharing this video with me. Video uploaded by rrobbert184. You can check his gundam reviews here.


  1. DAMMMM~NNNN 0_o that is certainly a lot of gundams XDD

  2. this is in akihabara? nada dibrunei ni mun byk cematu, last time i saw that much was at The Curve in KL, I wanna build Aile Strike 1/60 next...

  3. Syful- haha brunei tu bro!!! asteee~lol joking!! XD You should create ur toy blog!^^
