Ghibli`s Kokurikozaka Kara

Kokurikozaka Kara is an upcoming animation film from Ghibli Studio, adapted from the manga series with the same name created by Tetsuro Sayama and Chizuru Takahashi. The manga was serialized by Kodansha from January to August 1980 in the shojo manga magazine Nakayoshi. The film will be release on Summer 2011.

The story depicts the life of high school student in Yokohama around 1963, a period when Japan experienced spectacular economic growth. The main character is Umi Komatsuzak, who has to grow up quickly when her father goes missing.

This film will be directed by Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. The elder Miyazaki is credited for script writing and planning in the latest film project. It is the younger Miyazaki’s second film as director following ‘‘Tales from Earthsea’’ in 2006.

Music for this film will be composed by Satoshi Takebe. Aoi Teshima, who played the role of Theru in the 2008 Ghibli film Tales from Earthsea (as well as singing the theme song for that film) will be singing the theme song vocals for this film as well. Toshio Suzuki will be producing Kokurikozaka kara, which will be distributed domestically by Toho.

Source: Japan Today, Wikipedia