Famous gore movie director Noboru Iguchi (RoboGeisha, Mutant Girls Squad) has given a classic tokusatsu series a new look! Entitled Karate-Robo Zaborgar, is the 2011 movie remake of the 1974 tokusatsu series Denjin Zaborger.
An evil secret society called Sigma kidnaps Japan's political and business leaders, to harvest DNA for the creation of their Ultimate Weapon. Sigma's only serious opponent: secret agent Yutaka Daimon with his faithful robot motorcycle sidekick Zaborgar.
Daimon has a personal vendetta against Sigma as they killed his father, but he starts doubting his mission when the people he protects turn out to be cowardly and corrupt. Disaster strikes when Daimon starts to have romantic feelings for Miss Borg, a sexy cyborg agent from Sigma, leading to a split between Daimon and Zaborgar.
Karate-Robo Zaborger will be split into two arcs. The first being Daimon's younger days, and the later half dealing with Daimon's middle-age days. Young Daimon will be played by Furuhara Yasuhisa (Engine Sentai Go-onger), while Itao Itsuji (Kamen Rider the FIRST) plays the older Daimon. And Takenaka Naoto (Nodame Cantabile) will play Daimon's father.
Other casts includes Emoto Akira who plays as Dr. Akunomiya while Yamasaki Mami (GoGo Sentai Boukenger) plays Miss Borg. Lastly, Watanabe Hiroyuki (Kamen Rider Den-O: Ore Tanjou, GARO) plays the inspector that allies with Daimon.
Karate-Robo Zaborger is directed by Noboru Iguchi and produced by Sushi Typhoon. It is slated for 2011 release.
Via JEFusion
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