Avengers vs X-Men Coming in 2020!?

Take with a grain of salt!

Rumor has it that Marvel and Fox Studios are mending their relationship and are planning an Avengers / X-Men movie for 2020.

Marvel and Fox have been reportedly at odds over the film rights to the Fox-owned Marvel characters (Wolverine, X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four), with Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter even going so far as to order the cancellation of the Marvel comics containing the characters as well as not having Disney produce Fox character merchandise.

Likewise, at one point, X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner stated she would be up for a crossover between the two franchises as well.

Marvel did recently come to a deal with Sony to have Spider-Man featured in their movies, so as Feige stated above, a potential Marvel/Fox relationship can't be totally ruled out.

Via Cosmicbooknews.com