The Helldiver is one of the supplementary mecha from the series Mobile Police Patlabor. The Helldiver is an airborne military operations labor. In short, it’s a big ass robot that jumps put of planes.
Cast in green, the Helldiver looks like something that could come out of today’s military, albeit the advanced weapons program. The toy has a matte green finish with various highlights and paint details. Helldiver is loaded with over 40 points of articulation and a bunch of accessories.
Included are:
* 40mm rapid-fire machine gun
* two combat knives (sheathed and unsheathed)
* an interchangeable head
* four optional hands
* display base with stand
I just got this Helldiver from John T/Actfigman yesterday..Nice to meet you boss! :P
The original price for this revoltech is BND34.90 but John T give it away for BND25.00! ;)
Woke up soo early this morning to take pictures of the Helldiver!!
Let`s see the box first!
Out of the box...
The accessories
This Hobby magazine was given by John T yesterday for FREE! ;)
Okay now tell me what you can see! :P
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