Whattup fellow otaku comrades! We are on the second week of October now(almost) and I wanna say thanks to those who answered my tagged question yesterday. I posted it here on my blog, my collection blog and on Figure.fm. I really appreciate that and I had so much fun reading all your different thoughts. Thanks again to those who posted their answer! I love you guys!^^ And I would also like to thank those who subscribe and follow my blog! You guys are awesome!!! =3 Thanks for the support guys!!

I know I should`ve posted a featured artist for this month by this time around but I`m really really sorry! I`ve been busy with my side project; Henshin Channel and I`m trying to finish this project as soon as possible! I `ve put a lot of effort on this one! I will let you guys know when I finished this!^^

Just like what the title said; Few more hours...before Fairy Tail starts airing!!! YAY!!! I`m soo excited! Fairy Tail is going to start airing tomorrow in Japan (Monday at 8PM!).

A special footage from TV Tokyo uploaded by me on Youtube!^^ Posted this last time here.
So, 'Weekly Update 001:' eeh? Haha! I`m just trying to post something new on this blog. I`m going to post an update from me and and my surroundings just like this post WEEKLY! I`ll try my best to post an update every week. So tomorrow is gonna be a busy day for me! Two animes are waiting to be watched and reviewed; 11Eyes episode 1 and Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra episode 1. I will post my impressions after I watched both of em.
To Bruneians who have been wondering where I get my figmas, GunPlas, S.H Figuarts and all my other collection, try check out these cool stores:
Chong Hock Toynation: http://www.ch-toynation.blogspot.com/
Simply Gundam: http://simplygundam.blogspot.com/
Hobby Link Japan: http://hlj.com/
Hobby Search: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/
Looking for a figma review on Youtube? Check out these guys:
Actar576295: http://www.youtube.com/user/Actar576295
nintendokid100: http://www.youtube.com/user/nintendokid100
And for Transformers and Marvel Legends fans out there, I want you guys to check and subscribe these cool guys. I love their video reviews and they are just AWESOME!
SEANxLONG: http://www.youtube.com/user/seanxlong
Sentryproductions: http://www.youtube.com/user/sentryproductions
Vange1us: http://www.youtube.com/user/vange1us
Check out my cousin`s gundam blog: http://plutonianrevolver.wordpress.com/
For my figurines review: http://hobbychaos-thejunkyard.blogspot.com/
Okay I guess that`s all from me for this week! Have a great day ahead!!^^
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