Kamen Rider Den-O`s Final Movie

Den-O`s fifth and last movie?!

Kamen Rider Den-O will have a new and upcoming movie, entitled Final Kamen Rider Den-o: The Last Stop. Forever a Climax! The Movie. The movie will star Takeru Satoh, Doori Sakurai and Yuichi Nakamura reprising their roles as Kamen Rider Den-O, New Den-O and Zeronos.

The new movie will also star Yasufumi Terawaki as a new Kamen Rider. And it is said that Kamen Rider Double will show up in the movie.

According to the picture above, the movie will be shown on June 2010.

Via JEFusion

I was surprised and happy to hear this but final movie? I`m gonna miss Den-Liner`s crew!!! TwT


BlackSun88 said...

sadly i dont. i would prefer more movie for rider series like kabuto, 555 or W... i think i prefer more mature story and setting. just my thought though