Japanese Language: Class 12 & 13

*[This is just a note for myself, on what I learn in my Japanese language class. If you wanna learn Japanese language, seriously please learn from a teacher. These notes won`t help you with anything.]

Another sepcial edition!! lol

Lesson 12

Kochira, Sochira, Achira are the polite way to say Koko, Soko, and Asoko which were mentioned in Lesson 11.

Dochira is the polite way to say Doko (Where).

Example: O kuni wa dochira desu ka? = Which country are you from?

Kore wa doko no terebi desu? = This has two meanings; Asking for a brand/maker, and the country.

Kankoku no terebi desu = Korean Television
Sony no terebi desu = Sony television

Department store:
-kai = floor

rokkai = 6th floor
sangai = 3rd floor
hakkai = 8th floor
ikkai = 1st floor
yonkai = 4th floor
jukkai = 10th floor

Uriba = section/department

Necktie = Nekutai
Wine = Wain
Shoe = Kutsu
Shatsu =Shirt
Shakuryohin = Grocery

Nekutai uriba = Necktie section

Nekutai uriba wa nan gai desu ka? = Which floor is the necktie section?

Nan gai = which floor

Lesson 13

Yen is Japanese`s currency, but the way you pronounce it is 'en', not 'Yen'. I was wrong all this time! lol

Ikura = how much

Sono kamera wa ikura desu ka? = How much is the camera?

In this lesson we learn BIG Numbers. Here are the list you should know:
100 = hyaku
200 = ni hyaku
300 = san byaku (yes, it`s byaku)
400 = yon hyaku
500 = go hyaku
600 = roppyaku
700 = nana hyaku
800 = happyaku
900 = kyu hyaku
999 = kyu hyaku kyu ju kyu

1000 = sen
2000 = ni sen
3000 = san zen (ZEN!)
4000 = yon sen
8000 = hassen
9000 = kyusen
9999 = kyusen kyu hyaku kyu ju kyu

105 = hyaku go
230 = ni hyaku sanju
395 = san hyaku kyu ju go
1500 = sen go hyaku
3600 = san zen roppyaku

10,000 = ichiman
20,000 = niman
40,000 = yonman
80,000 = hachiman
100,000 = juman

Sono kamera wa ikura desu ka? = How much is the camera?

Answer: 45,600 yen

End of Lesson 12 & 13. See you on Monday!^^,