Nintama Rantaro Live-action Movie

Nintama Rantaro, a long-running anime series is being adapted as a live-action film and surprisingly Takashi Miike, best known for ultra-violent films such as Ichi the Killer, Crows Zero and Crows Zero 2 is directing this movie! O.O

Seishiro Kato (pictured above) will play the titular young ninja Rantaro.

"Nintama Rantaro" is based on the gag manga "Rakudai Ninja Rantaro" by Soubee Amako. Set during the Sengoku era, the story follows the adventures of a young boy named Rantaro, who is born into a ninja family. He enrolls in the elite ninja school Ninjutsu Gakuen, where the young apprentices are known as "nintamas" (derived from "ninja" and "tamago").

No release date has been announced at the moment.

Used to watch the anime when I was little. Kinda surprised that they are making a live action movie on this anime!^^,

Source: Tokyograph


BlackSun88 said...

well, at least it is not from holywood, then it shouldnt be that bad right