Red Frame is a mobile suit that appear in Tokyopop's Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray manga, piloted by Lowe Guele.


MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame
Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc/Orb Union
Users: Junk Guild
Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit
Rollout: 10 January, Cosmic Era 71
First Deployment: 25 January, Cosmic Era 71
Head height: 17.53 meters
Base weight: 49.8 metric tons
Special equipment: flight pack, underwater salvage gear, Power Loader
Powerplant: Ultracompact battery
Armament: “Igelstellung” 75 mm multi-barrel CIWS ×2, Type 70 beam saber ×2, Type 71 beam rifle ×1, “Gerbera Straight” katana ×1, shield ×1
Optional armament: TMF/TR-2 BuCUE Tactical Reconnaissance Type head with dual beam saber ×1
Pilot(s): Lowe Guele, Marlin also known as Juri Wu Nien
Took me about an hour to assemble him.^^
Haruhi and her new comrade~ xD
With my 1/100 Red Frame..(^_^)
Click here for the full version!^^
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