We`re on the third day of September now and I`m kinda late to welcome it but whatever..WELCOME SEPTEMBER!!! LOL Nothing special on this post, just some babbling about my Otaku life.
There`s lots of things going on this fasting month, some of them are good and some just kept makin me sick. 'How`s my figurines life?' everything is great except, some of you might realize, it`s been quite a while I haven`t posted my toys! Yeah I`m so sorry for that. I need a CAMERA! I`m not going to post any of my figurines until I get my own camera! My mobile phone sucks..SUCKS! Anything new? Oh yeah, currently I`m waiting for my Golgo 13 figma & S.H FiguArts Kamen Rider #1 The Next!!John said that these guys are already set sailed and now it is on it`s way to Brunei!! I`m really into S.H FiguArts now! And as you can see on my previous post, the new ones are kept coming and coming, which means more holes on my wallet! T_T
I really can`t wait for October! Lots of anime on my MUST-WATCH list is coming and one of them is Winter Sonata! As I stated before, I`m not really into Korean dramas but Winter Sonata(Drama) was a hit in Japan few years ago! Now they`re making an anime adaptation and this is my chance to give it a try! xD
As usual, every month my blog will feature different Japanese artist & bands,. So who will be featured this month? Wait for the next post!^^
Okay that`s all I wanna say. Oh and don`t forget to check my WISHLIST, I just added few new stuff! XD
Ja ne~~~~
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