Hey guys! We meet again, as I promised! XD We`re on the 18th day of October now and WOW time sure goes fast! I didn`t post much here on Hobby Chaos these past few days as I`m working hard on Henshin Channel! Yeah! 80% to go and it should be online by next wednesday!!! XD
Anyway did you guys read thenews about a man who slashes a woman because he "can`t get a girlfriend"? That man is just sick and he`s overdoing it! Trying to make himself better by slashing other women? My god..I hope the woman attacked is alright.
Okay forget about that. Here I wanna share with you guys my favorite Kamen Rider Music Video made by KyoXNGBR. This is such a sweet video showing the ultimate lovers of Kamen Rider Den-O, Nogami Airi and Sakurai Yuuto. A love that even the time can't surpass! Airi is such a sweet girl! =3 Kamen Rider Den-O is a great series if you wanna start watching Kamen Rider! I love all the funny characters and some part of the story made me touched and cry. Den-O is the greatest Kamen Rider Series ever!^^
Okay I guess thats all for this week`s update!^^ See you guys in my next post! XD
To Bruneians who have been wondering where I get my figmas, GunPlas, S.H Figuarts and all my other collection, try check out these cool stores:
Chong Hock Toynation: http://www.ch-toynation.blogspot.com/
Simply Gundam: http://simplygundam.blogspot.com/
Hobby Link Japan: http://hlj.com/
Hobby Search: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/
Looking for a figma review on Youtube? Check out these guys:
Actar576295: http://www.youtube.com/user/Actar576295
nintendokid100: http://www.youtube.com/user/nintendokid100
And for Transformers and Marvel Legends fans out there, I want you guys to check and subscribe these cool guys. I love their video reviews and they are just AWESOME!
SEANxLONG: http://www.youtube.com/user/seanxlong
Sentryproductions: http://www.youtube.com/user/sentryproductions
Vange1us: http://www.youtube.com/user/vange1us
Check out my cousin`s gundam blog: http://plutonianrevolver.wordpress.com/
Support my friend`s blog:
Pasu Blog: http://pasu2k.wordpress.com/
Shewsbury Land: http://shewsbury.com
Boredom & Excitement: http://nal-kingdom.blogspot.com
For my figurines review: http://hobbychaos-thejunkyard.blogspot.com/
Add me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1477751208&ref=name
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Double256H
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