Japanese Language: Class 4

Konbanwa minna-san!! This is my fourth post on "Japanese Language: Class.." and I never thought that by joining this Japanese Class would make me post a serialized blog post like this! lol But one thing for sure, the lesson is getting more and more complicated and some of them can only be learned from a teacher so I can`t promise to make a post every time I attend the class. Gomennasai! BUT I will try my best to do it!

Yesterday Yanai-sensei recapped what we learn on our third class with KUMAGAI-sensei. She also recapped the country names we learned and showed us a map. A map in Japapanese is Chizu and a country is Kuni.

Map = Chizu
Counry = Kuni

After that we started learning 'Arigato Gozaimasu' = Thank You. When you are giving/offering someone a gift/any item, you say; Dozo. When you received an item/gift, you will say Arigato Gozaimasu. Here`s an example:

A: Dozo(Handing a gift)
B: Arigato Gozaimasu [Thank You]
A: Do Itashimashite [You are welcome]

When you are calling/trying to get someone`s attention, you need to say;

Sumimasen = Excuse me/I`m sorry

Same phrase applied when you accidentally bumped on someone.

Then she taught us the word 'sai', it means age.

[Name]-san wa nan-sai desu ka? = How old is [Name]?

Answer: [Name]-san wa Ju-roku sai desu = [Name] is sixteen years old.

A list of numbers in Japanese can be found here. All numbers are the same when you are using them to tell someone your age, except for 8.

Eight in Japanese is Hachi. But when you are telling them your age, you change them to 'ha'.

[Name]-san wa hassai desu = [Name] is eight years old.

Eighteen years old = Ju-hassai
Twenty eight years old = Ni-ju hassai

Sai can be replaced with Oi kutsu. Both share the same meaning but it is polite to use Oi kutsu.

That`s all! See you guys on the next episode! lol


packie said...

For 20 years old (like me!!! ^^ lol)
it's ni-jussai, but hatachi can also be used..
e.g :
1)watashi wa nijussai desu..
2)watashi wa hatachi desu..
